Luci del tramonto

Produzione e vendita di vini propri


This wine was born to mantain the local tradition who predicts that every farmer makes his own dessert wine for celebrations or just to be served to the most important guests.

luci del tramonto

vino amabile colli di candia

The most beautiful cone, almost all of Vermentino,  are hardly choosed during the harvest, pushed and fermented.

In the end this must is filtred in a “calza” ( a vertical cloth filter) and for Christmas  it is ready to go on tables, maybe  a little bit oxidized but sweet.

In that time almost all the fermentation was made in jugs, because every farmer made just the one tenth of the entire production of this wine.

Today we wait for the best  grapes of Vermentino, Albarola and a little part of Malvasia, to get ready. At the end of the harvest we pick them up, we leave them vinifying on their own with a fast transfer in the marcs and after a month of fermentation we arrive to bottle 3 000 bottles per year.

The light alcoholic gradation about 10 degrees, the good sugar percentage and the sustained acidity makes this wine perfect for dessert.

Organoleptic sensetion

To the eye seems yellow straw coloured, cleat and compact.                                                      To the nose we have a good intensity and a persistence gift by :  the big range of flowers, a pleasant candied fruit and bakery.
To the mouth the sweet sensaion (amabile) is combined with a good freshness, and a right alcohol give to this wine a perfect final persistence.

In conclusion the perfect  conformity mouth-nose makes this wine an elegant interpretation of his type, classic dessert wine.

 Luci del tramonto, is not available for now.